Download Letgo v2.3.36

Editorial Team

LetgoLetgo is a free app and website based marketplace to buy and sell second-hand goods online. Users can buy and sell a wide range of products such as electronics, cars, collectibles, clothing, furniture, home decor, and even real estate. It uses geo-location to find great deals around you and works on peer to peer chat. Anyone can post something for sale, simply by taking a photo, Letgo automatically titles and categorizes user’s listing.

Features of Letgo v2.3.36

1. Listing is as easy as taking a selfie, Letgo uses artificial intelligence to automatically generate titles and categorize your product, as well as setting a location radius around your neighborhood making it easier for buyers to see your listing.
2. You can effortlessly search for pretty much anything you’re looking from a sound system to a part of the land; Letgo shows you the best results around you, making buying easy.
3. It ensures trust between the buyer and seller by offering reviews and ratings for users so that you can easily establish what kind of user you’re dealing with. It also blocks inappropriate content, and has a dedicated user support team.
4. It has an in-app chat feature for communication with other users and lets the user decide what kind of information they want to share.
5. It functions as a community and with integrity. It has strict policies against misrepresentation of products and does not tolerate any attempts to deceive users. It also works closely with law enforcement and has strict policies against the selling of stolen goods.

How to download Letgo v2.3.36?

You can use their website or download the app for both Android devices and iOS devices for free.

Download Letgo