Download Google Earth

Editorial Team

Google EarthIf you want to explore the rich geographical content, if you love to fly and see earthly things such as satellite, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, galaxies, oceans and many more things related to the earth, or you want to known more about earth or want to come closer and feel the nature of the earth this app Google Earth is made for you. It gives you the opportunity to fly anywhere on the earth. You can easily see the nature changes, how it was in the past and what changes the earth has adapted through the time, you can go in the past to explore earth with the help of it, This app brings you closer to the earth, it has a vast geographical content. Its just like watching BBC and geographical things sitting at your home. It is made for the people who live geography and want to know more about it. Though it is very vast in nature but you will learn something from it.

It lets you dive in the ocean and feel the watery things by seeing it. It also has the feature that you can share and track your path with other people as well. You can record a freeform tour on this app. You can simply record all the thing and make a clip of it and also add sound to it for making it more realistic and amazing.

Features of Google Earth


  • 3D maps
  • Tracking and sharing of path
  • You can see anything through it
  • Vast in nature
  • Free of cost


How to download Google Earth

To download Google Earth you have to click on the download button and start the process, once it is finished, click on Apk and continue with the installation process by following the terms and conditions, and tap finish to complete and you are done.