PDF file is something that we have to deal with every day. Whether you are a student or a working professional, you come across information and data which are stored in PDF format. In fact, PDF format is the most desired format for reading stuff. For reading the PDF files, it is important that you have a good PDF reader and what better PDF reader do we have than Adobe Reader 18.011.20055? It is the official PDF reader for most of the device. Internationally liked, you can never go wrong with Adobe Reader 18.011.20055. The app supports more than 30 languages.
Adobe Reader 18.011.20055 is filled with plenty of important features. You can use the magnifying glass for seeing an enlarged view of the text, there are editing tools and it can even read out the text for you. The important points can be highlighted by the users and even you can add notes for adding your point of view. Adobe Reader 18.011.20055 is safe to use and you can fill in the important data if required. The app allows you to directly print the file and save it. It has a sharing option that allows you to share the file in different apps. It has a simple interface and supports different reading mode. You can use the app for viewing all sorts of PDF files. In this post, we will first discuss the features of Adobe Reader 18.011.20055 and then we will tell you how you can download and install the software on your Windows PC.
Features of Adobe Reader 18.011.20055
Adobe Reader 18.011.20055 is the official PDF reader for a reason. Here are the highlights of the Adobe Reader.
- Reads all the PDF files.
- Quickly opens the PDF files.
- Supports various sharing options.
- You can choose among continuous scroll, single pages, and reading mode.
- Add comments with the help of sticky notes.
- Highlight texts.
- Reads even the scanned documents.
Now that you know the features of the app, let me tell you how you can download and install Adobe Reader 18.011.20055 on your PC.
Download Adobe Reader 18.011.20055
Download Adobe Reader 18.011.20055 can be downloaded on your Windows device by following the simple steps given below.
- Download the setup file for Adobe Reader 18.011.20055 for Windows.
- Open the downloaded file.
- Begin the installation process by following the instructions displayed on your screen.
- Accept the terms and conditions of Adobe Reader 18.011.20055 and click on “Next”.
- Click on “Finish”.
You can now use the Adobe Reader to read all kind of PDF files.